2018 Christmas Post

2018 was another amazing year, Elon Musk launched a Tesla Roadster into space, either demonstrating Tesla’s new delivery system or that Elon Musk has too much time on his hands. Australia got a new Prime Minister, again, making the job of Prime Minister the most undesirable and short-term job in government and youth began to do parliament’s job by making their voices heard at student organised protests and in a lot of ways were doing a better job of representing Australia’s views, however, what did the year look like for the autism community?

Exciting News

Due to countless people recommending I write a book I have decided to do just that however, I am no author hence this post today, in order to make this project a reality I will need to hire what is called a ghostwriter. If you are interested in helping make this project a reality head to www.gofundme.com/an-awetistic-journey and be sure to share this with your family and friends as there is a long way to go before I can publish the book.Thank you Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker