The issues regional young people will vote on this election

a couple of weeks ago I was asked about the upcoming federal election and what I was voting for. You can find out what I said along with what other young rural Victorians said regarding the election in the story below. With young people now making up a large portion of the vote it is now time to listen!

2018 Christmas Post

2018 was another amazing year, Elon Musk launched a Tesla Roadster into space, either demonstrating Tesla’s new delivery system or that Elon Musk has too much time on his hands. Australia got a new Prime Minister, again, making the job of Prime Minister the most undesirable and short-term job in government and youth began to do parliament’s job by making their voices heard at student organised protests and in a lot of ways were doing a better job of representing Australia’s views, however, what did the year look like for the autism community?

Channel Ten's Comedy Is A Joke

Last night Channel Ten aired a comedy parody of an advertisement that made fun of the popular series The Good Doctor. This parody occurred on the show Skit Happens and the video began with the producers making fun of how some autistic people speak and then continued along this vein to make fun of stimming and finally ending with the catch phrase ‘The Good Hospital, where everyone is on the spectrum’. I personally don’t have an issue with people shedding a bit of light on autism in a comedic way however this video went way too far. I am extremely disappointed that Channel Ten thought this sort of material was ok to air. This sort of material is extremely offensive to those on the autism spectrum and their families who work hard to change the stigma that surrounds the spectrum. This sort of material is the reason so many people hide who they are for it tells us that society still does not see us as equal human beings and that we are different to the point of existing only for the amusement of others. I find it funny how neurotypicals are busy teaching us autistics the social norms, norms that include acceptance of difference, yet neurotypicals are the ones airing this material that teaches people that it is ok to make fun of people with different abilities. This material promotes bullying which 90% of us fall victim to and this bullying has and will continue to take lives which is no joke.

In future Channel Ten along with other television and media networks should ask themselves, would airing certain material about any social demographic be going too far? If they are not sure why not take the time to ask an individual from the demographic you are talking about. This simple yet effective practice would act as a safeguard as your audience is made up of individuals, each different, unique and amazing in their own way who together make up a world that should be a more accepting and inclusive for everyone without exception and we are looking to community influencers such as Channel Ten to set the standard and lead the way.

Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

Link to video (warning may be distressing to some viewers)

Thanks for reading, if you have a story you would like to share with the community or have an idea for a blog post feel free to contact me at full anonymity can be provided.

Image result for Channel Ten autism

Department Of Education States Violence Is Rare In Victorian Schools

The Victorian Department of Education and Training has stated that “Incidents of violence and aggressive behavior remain relatively rare in Victoria's more than 1,500 government schools”. This statement was made in response to an incident where an autistic boy was beaten with a spanner outside of a Melbourne school a few days ago. I would like to state that this assertion is not true as there were 1850 reported incidents in schools in 2017 which is approximately 5 reports a day. From this information, I have concluded that violence is common in Victorian schools as these figures do not include or reflect the many incidents that do not get reported. I am pleased to hear that something has been done about this incident, however, what about the thousand or so other young people who didn’t get this media attention. What has happened to them?
As an advocate for young people of different abilities, it is my job to not only share these stories but look out for those who didn’t receive the media attention that this unfortunate event received and bring to light the fact that not every incident has a happy ending. 90% of people on the autism spectrum are bullied and there are about 16000 people on the autism spectrum here in Victoria. The act of bullying can involve violent acts such as the one mentioned in the article in addition to verbal and cyber attacks. One of the most common causes of death for people on the autism spectrum is suicide and I know I bring these statistics up regularly, however, we need to realise this isn’t just one incident, this kind of thing happens every day and does have the potential to end someone’s life.
Being autistic can be difficult, we sometimes miss social cues like this young adult who didn’t flinch and stand back but went in to help and do the right thing and too often as in this case we get punished for this misunderstanding due to people not understanding us. This incident is an example of why we urgently need to educate people about autism and this is why I have been proudly offering free talks to schools and youth groups such as Scouts and Guides since I began this journey of creating a more accepting and inclusive world for people on the autism spectrum.
I would like to finish by stating that if any of the things I mentioned above distressed you in any way please be sure to talk to someone you trust as your wellbeing is very important. I would also like to ask everyone to please share this as wide as possible as we need to advocate for those whose stories didn’t end with a police investigation or someone being charged. We need to bring to light what happens every day and we need to educate people about what autism is and how to better understand us in the context of today’s world.
Thank You
Bryce Pace
Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker
(Article with Pictures)

2 Years Old Today!

Two years ago today, I wrote a Facebook post revealing a secret I had been hiding for four years. Since that day I have dedicated my time to advocating for a more accepting and inclusive world for people on the autism spectrum. Today we celebrate two years since the post that started this all, two years of giving hope to young people on the spectrum and their families. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for your support and I would especially like to thank the Victorian Student Representative Council, YDAS and YacVic Rural for your continued support and guidance. To mark this special occasion, I have decided to repost the post that started this journey two years ago today, I hope you enjoy. posted on April 10th, 2016 (unedited for authenticity) In the past couple of years I have heard people use autism as an insult and I have seen people take selfies of themselves pulling silly faces saying they have autism or have captions such as “the autistic boys” I would like to say something about these people they do not know what autism is if they are mocking it like this. There are Autistic people all over the place they are just ordinary people with as some people describe it super powers. There are people who have autism and they walk past you every day and some even talk to you. I would like to ask a question and I want everyone to think about this. What is wrong with having autism? I would like to end this post with telling you a secret that I don’t tell many people as I am constantly worrying about what they are going to think of me if I tell them and I am sick of hiding who I am. I am autistic and I am proud to be as it gives me “super powers” I can smell fish and chips from a mile away and I can hear things most don’t know exist. Autism is not a disease nor is it contagious and it doesn’t mean I can’t go to school and do the same work everybody else does it doesn’t mean I can’t be who I want to be. I can be whatever I want. I constantly hear people use the question “are you autistic?” as an insult I have even being asked that question and I will answer that now yes I am autistic does anybody have a problem with that? If you made it to the end of this post and still are willing to be friends with me then you are my true friends. I don’t want to be treated any different because I am autistic just remember that every post you make that makes fun of autism hurts somebody and that post is permanently on the internet like a tattoo is on your skin. Thanks for reading Bryce Pace I would like to finish by inviting you all if you are interested in helping me create a more accepting and inclusive world to head to and help fund my future projects. Thanks for your continued support and I look forward to working with you for many more years. Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker


Spectrospective 2018 Film

Hi everyone and once again Happy World Autism Awareness Day, I hope your day has been great so far. For those of you who unfortunately could not watch the Spectrospective film on the big screen, you can watch the full film and everyone's individual video submission by heading to: You can also view my full video submission to Spectrospective by heading to:

Let's Take a Stand Together Against Bullying

Have you ever woken up in the morning, afraid of what people may say or how they might treat you at school today? this is the reality for 90% of students on the autism spectrum, this was my reality for 7 years. I went all the way through primary school afraid and ashamed of being me, I was called names, I was pushed and shoved and I was even locked in the vice principal's office for a full day just for because I didn't understand the concept of time. Bullying can come in many forms and anybody can be a bully, however, not everyone has the strength to stand out and be themselves. Today is the National Day Against Bullying and Violence so let us stand together as a community and put a stop to bullying by encouraging people to stand out.Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker #BULLYINGNOWAY #TakeaStandTogether #NDA2018

Image result for national day against bullying 2018 hashtags

Awetism Classroom Cancelled

I have some sad news. After 5 months of organisation and a great deal of support from many organisations and businesses, I have due to lack of registrations taken the decision to cancel the Awetism Classroom Professional Development day for this year. Registrations have been open for an entire month yet there have only been 9 registrations. This is especially disappointing as this day was all about helping students on the autism spectrum in South West Victoria realise their potential and not end up being part of the 8 out of 10 autistic students who do not finish school. If you have any ideas as to why this may have happened please feel free to contact me, anonymity is guaranteed. This learning experience may have paused the progress of my work, however, I am not going to let this stop me as I have a few other great projects planned and some awesome upcoming speaking engagements pending including doing a talk at the National Future Schools Conference in Melbourne on the 22nd of March. If you are one of the people who registered you have the option of either a full refund or alternatively you can donate the money to my future projects that help create a more accepting and inclusive world for those on the autism spectrum.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the sponsors for your support as I would not have advanced this far without your dedication and I hope we can still work together in future.

To those students on the spectrum in South West Victoria don’t worry; I have not forgotten you; I will be back soon, for now though feel free to contact me whenever you feel alone and need someone who understands to an extent, what you go through every day.If you are sick of people doubting your abilities and would like to begin telling your story to help society understand what it truly means to be autistic you know where to find me.

Despite this set back I still believe that a world that accepts and embraces autism is possible and we should still stand together and work towards this common goal.

Thank you

Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

PD Cancelled Flyer

Livestream This Tuesday

Hi everyone, as it has been awhile since the last Livestream I have decided to have one this Tuesday the 30th of January at 5:00pm AEDT on my Youtube Channel. As there will be a Q&A Segment please leave any questions you may have in the comments below, these could be about my work, upcoming events or even advice. I look forward to seeing some of you then.Thanks Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

Life after school

A little while ago I was interviewed by the ABC for an article about life after year 12 make sure you check it out."I hid my autism diagnosis for four years – I felt ashamed of being different. When you go from primary school to secondary school you have to re-build everything from scratch, and change isn’t our strong suit, and being social isn’t really either. But I ended up building a very good network of friends. I basically just started telling people I’m proud to be on the autism spectrum. I’m proud to be different. My ultimate goal is a world that embraces autism and difference in general.”Bryce Pace is a powerful advocate for people on the autism spectrum. You can read more of his story in this new feature from ABC News:

Australian Autism Community Outraged

Last night Don Burke described autism as a genetic failure, and something you could use to get out of any situation. In an interview on A Current Affair, he claimed he had Asperger’s even though he has never been clinically diagnosed. He blamed his “Asperger’s” for his actions 30 years ago sparking outrage in the autism community. As a proud person on the autism spectrum, I would like to state that no one has a right to use the Autism Spectrum in this way especially if you aren’t even diagnosed. It is not an excuse or a get out of jail free card and even if he is on the spectrum his behavior is in no way reflective of the general autism community who are productive and law-abiding people. If you have been offended by Don Burke’s comments, make sure you talk to a trusted person.

Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

It is Time to Change

People wonder why parents are scared to send their autistic child to a mainstream school. This is a good example of why.. Schools are not treating students equally and prefer to abuse students on the spectrum rather than teach them. Please read and share this so that we can make people aware of what is happening inside Australia’s schools. It is time to change our ways and to treat all students with respect as this treatment is happening too often.


Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

Did you miss my Q&A Live Stream?

Did you miss my Q&A Live Stream yesterday? Don't worry because you can watch the full video on YouTube

Newspaper Article On Pauline Hanson

Today I was asked by the Warrnambool Standard to share my thoughts on what Pauline Hanson said on Wednesday. You Can read the article here

I hold my peers back?

This is a good example of why we need to educate people of what it truly means to be autistic. According to Pauline Hanson, I hold my peers back because my teachers spend too much time helping me. She thinks we should be in special education and that we do not deserve a mainstream education. instead of segregating students like me, we should make mainstream education work better for us. What happened to the concept of inclusive education?…/pauline-hanson-says-children-with…Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

Q&A Live Stream

I have exciting news to share with you all. This Saturday, June 24th at 3:00 pm AEST I will be holding my first live Q&A Stream on my Youtube channel. If you are interested and want to make sure your question gets answered, please feel free to write a comment. I will try to answer everyone’s questions.  You can Find my YouTube channel at. See you Saturday

Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

Talks in Schools

Hi all this is just a quick post relating to a question I was asked today regarding my talks. I am available to speak to schools. Some of the topics I can speak on are:My I CAN Story

 I talk about some of the challenges I have faced as an autistic person and how I got to where I am today. I recommend this talk if you are looking to inspire and motivate your students or guests. Student Voice

I talk about what student voice is and how to have your voice heard. The Rethink On Autism

In this talk I explain what the rethink of autism looks like and why we need it. I have to warn you that this talk contains the topics of suicide and bullying. If you are interested in inviting me to talk whether it be at an event or to a class of students please feel free to contact me for a quote.


Mobile: 04 4771 9496 

You can also message me via Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn and on my website

I look forward to working with you

Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker