2018 Christmas Post

2018 was another amazing year, Elon Musk launched a Tesla Roadster into space, either demonstrating Tesla’s new delivery system or that Elon Musk has too much time on his hands. Australia got a new Prime Minister, again, making the job of Prime Minister the most undesirable and short-term job in government and youth began to do parliament’s job by making their voices heard at student organised protests and in a lot of ways were doing a better job of representing Australia’s views, however, what did the year look like for the autism community?


Thanks, everyone for your support. It has been amazing to watch this community grow. within just over a year we have managed to reach over 1000 people worldwide spreading the word that being on the autism spectrum isn't a disability but a different ability. Please feel free to check out my other social media and don't forget to share with your friends and family.Thanks Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

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Help Me Fulfill My Dream

I have some exciting projects planned for next year that may not be able to happen if I can’t find a way to fund them soon, therefore, I have decided to launch a Patreon page. Patreon Enables me to raise much-needed funds while supplying you all with some pretty cool rewards. If you are interested in helping me fulfill my dream of a world that accepts and embraces autism please feel free to become a Patron by heading to https://www.patreon.com/brycepaceautismadvocateThanks Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, SpeakerPatreon Pic