Thank You Cheese World

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Cheese World for supporting the Awetism Classroom Professional Development Day. Without their support, this unique event would not be possible.CW LOGO

Do you know a student on the autism spectrum who is interested in making a positive difference to Autistic Students’ education?

Do you know a student on the autism spectrum who is interested in making a positive difference to Autistic Students’ education? well I have the opportunity for you. On the 20th of March 2018 there will be a Professional Development Day for Teachers in South West Victoria and am looking for 3 keen students to be on a student panel. They will be joined by 5 students from across the South West District to answer questions from educators so as improve their understanding of how to involve autistic students in classroom life.

If you are an educator and know somebody who could be interested please share this information with them. Each school who has a student on the panel will be provided with 5 discounted tickets to the event. If this sounds like the opportunity for you contact me by emailing me at: bryce.pace.autism.advocate@gmail .com


Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

Awetism Classroom

Are you a teacher looking for an interesting and unique event to fill you Professional Development for 2018? Then Awetism Classroom could be the event for you. Join fellow educators from across South West Victoria at Brauer College in Warrnambool to discover new ways to better include autistic students in classroom activities. The day will feature talks from students, parents, teachers and professionals in the field of autism. There will also be a unique opportunity to converse with a student panel featuring young people from across the South West region and discover their perspective on classroom interaction as they have experienced it. for more information and to register visit:


Livestream This Tuesday

Hi everyone, as it has been awhile since the last Livestream I have decided to have one this Tuesday the 30th of January at 5:00pm AEDT on my Youtube Channel. As there will be a Q&A Segment please leave any questions you may have in the comments below, these could be about my work, upcoming events or even advice. I look forward to seeing some of you then.Thanks Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

Update On 10 Year Old Autistic Singer

One of the many pleasures of my job is being able to share the amazing talents of young people on the autism spectrum. Not too long ago I shared a video of 10-year-old Calum who had an incredible voice. Well now he has himself a YouTube channel and will soon be releasing his first single, I am very impressed with this young man and look forward to seeing more of him in the future. Feel free to Watch the video below and be blown away by this talented young man and don’t forget to support him by subscribing to his YouTube channel.

Is it time for another Live Stream?

It has been a long time since I last had a Live Q&A stream and a lot has happened since which has gotten me thinking. Is it time for another Live Stream? Click the like button if you think it is about time I did another live stream and feel free to ask any questions you may have for me down below.Thanks Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

This Young Man Can Really Sing

One of the many pleasures of my job is being able to share the amazing talents of young people on the autism spectrum. Not too long ago I came across a news article about 11 year old Calum who has an incredible voice. The article was in response to a video of him singing in the middle of a supermarket that has understandably gone viral. Be sure to watch the video by clicking on the link below and feel free to share with your family and friends.

2017 Christmas Post

2017 was an extraordinary year of change for the world. Donald Trump was elected as President of the United States, once again raising the question of The Simpsons having a time traveler as a writer. Same-sex marriage was made legal in Australia highlighting how important acceptance and equality is, however, the thing that stood out to me most was what the autism community achieved.This year was a difficult one for the autism community as we were constantly confronted with new issues. Earlier this year we had to prove that autistic students belong in mainstream schools when Pauline Hanson stated that we didn’t belong because we held our peers back in addition, we also had to stand together once again when Don Burke diagnosed himself with Asperger’s and used it as an excuse for what he did 30 years ago. This year made me proud to be autistic as I got to see the community at its best. We showed the world that when times are tough we stand as one and get through whatever the world throws at us together. This year brought a great deal of change, however, there is still a long way to go before the autism community is accepted and included. At the end of each year, I like to reflect on what I achieved as an advocate and to plan new projects for the coming year. This year there were many achievements. At the beginning of this year my Facebook page had 45 likes and now at the time of me writing this post there are 143 likes and a reach of over 1000 people and I would like to thank everyone who has contributed throughout the year. This year I was given the opportunity to speak at two major events and was in the newspapers on many occasions inspiring people and hopefully encouraging them to change their perceptions around autism. Next year I have one major project planned which I am pleased to announce today. On the 20th of March 2018, I will be holding a Professional Development day. This day is to be held in Warrnambool which is, of course, my hometown and from where this journey all began. The day will feature students, teachers, parents and professionals in the field of autism as speakers. If you are interested in attending please save the date and keep an eye on social media for further details, I am very excited about this day and would love to see you there. I would like to finish this post by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2018. Thanks Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

christmas tree

Do you have a Calendar for 2018 yet?

Have you bought a 2018 Calendar yet? Don’t worry as Autism Not Weird has you covered with a unique calendar featuring people on the autism spectrum from all over the world. Who knows you might just recognise somebody featured.

Life after school

A little while ago I was interviewed by the ABC for an article about life after year 12 make sure you check it out."I hid my autism diagnosis for four years – I felt ashamed of being different. When you go from primary school to secondary school you have to re-build everything from scratch, and change isn’t our strong suit, and being social isn’t really either. But I ended up building a very good network of friends. I basically just started telling people I’m proud to be on the autism spectrum. I’m proud to be different. My ultimate goal is a world that embraces autism and difference in general.”Bryce Pace is a powerful advocate for people on the autism spectrum. You can read more of his story in this new feature from ABC News:

9 year old advocate

People on the autism spectrum are just like everyone else, with a few quirks added to the mix. George is nine years old, likes creating music on his computer, dancing and loves tacos. A little while ago he decided to create a video for his 4th-grade class to explain what autism is. Since it has been uploaded to YouTube it has gone viral and I can see why. It explains autism in a creative way while still accurately painting a picture of what it is like to live on the spectrum, and don’t forget the sick beats written and composed by George himself. Make sure you take a look for yourself as I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of him in the future. Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker


Thanks, everyone for your support. It has been amazing to watch this community grow. within just over a year we have managed to reach over 1000 people worldwide spreading the word that being on the autism spectrum isn't a disability but a different ability. Please feel free to check out my other social media and don't forget to share with your friends and family.Thanks Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

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Become a Patron today!

Would you like access to blog posts never seen by anyone else? Well now you can! all you need to do is go to and become a patron. As an added bonus for being a patron you also have access to a bimonthly newsletter where you can read about what is happening in the autism community and what I am up to.Thanks Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

Help Me Fulfill My Dream

I have some exciting projects planned for next year that may not be able to happen if I can’t find a way to fund them soon, therefore, I have decided to launch a Patreon page. Patreon Enables me to raise much-needed funds while supplying you all with some pretty cool rewards. If you are interested in helping me fulfill my dream of a world that accepts and embraces autism please feel free to become a Patron by heading to Bryce Pace Autism Advocate, Blogger, SpeakerPatreon Pic


Stand Fast Festival Sensory Tours

At this year’s, Stand, Fast Festival, Sea Shepherd Melbourne is holding sensory tours before the main event opens. If you know someone who might be interested in ships or if you are a little curious as to what the sea shepherd looks like on the inside feel free to share the following link.There will be 3 Sensory tours: one at 12:30 pm (with AUSLAN) 12:45pm 12:55 pm (with AUSLAN) I would recommend getting in quick as there are limited spaces. If you or your child don't have any sensory needs please don't sign up for these tours, as you can tour the ship during the main event.…/1FInsFvHK7T5sDcsPbEC96C…/viewform…No automatic alt text available.

What interests you?

Your feedback is super important to me. fill out this quick 2-minute survey to help shape the services I provide. So far I have only had 2 people participate and would love to hear from more of you as I can't keep providing services if I don't know what ones interest you. Participants stay completely anonymous, I don't even know who participates. Thanks

Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker