Warrnambool Seminar Tickets Almost Gone!

Warrnambool Seminar Tickets Almost Gone!

Tomorrow Afternoon I have the pleasure of hosting an autism seminar in Warrnambool. I am so excited to….

Warrnambool Here We Come!

Warrnambool Here We Come!

I am pleased to announce that on the 20th of October we will be hosting a seminar in…

Back In South West Victoria!

I’m delighted to be back in South….

Student Opportunity

Do you know a student in South West Victoria who is interested in helping to create a world that accepts, includes and embraces the Autism Spectrum? On the 4th of June, there is to be a Professional Development Day in Heywood and we would love for there to be a panel of students who could talk about their own experiences as a student on the autism spectrum. If you know someone please feel free to send an email to bryce.pace.autism.advocate@gmail.com. We look forward to hearing from you.
Bryce Pace
Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

Building Inclusive communities training flyer V3.png

Awetism Classroom Cancelled

I have some sad news. After 5 months of organisation and a great deal of support from many organisations and businesses, I have due to lack of registrations taken the decision to cancel the Awetism Classroom Professional Development day for this year. Registrations have been open for an entire month yet there have only been 9 registrations. This is especially disappointing as this day was all about helping students on the autism spectrum in South West Victoria realise their potential and not end up being part of the 8 out of 10 autistic students who do not finish school. If you have any ideas as to why this may have happened please feel free to contact me, anonymity is guaranteed. This learning experience may have paused the progress of my work, however, I am not going to let this stop me as I have a few other great projects planned and some awesome upcoming speaking engagements pending including doing a talk at the National Future Schools Conference in Melbourne on the 22nd of March. If you are one of the people who registered you have the option of either a full refund or alternatively you can donate the money to my future projects that help create a more accepting and inclusive world for those on the autism spectrum.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the sponsors for your support as I would not have advanced this far without your dedication and I hope we can still work together in future.

To those students on the spectrum in South West Victoria don’t worry; I have not forgotten you; I will be back soon, for now though feel free to contact me whenever you feel alone and need someone who understands to an extent, what you go through every day.If you are sick of people doubting your abilities and would like to begin telling your story to help society understand what it truly means to be autistic you know where to find me.

Despite this set back I still believe that a world that accepts and embraces autism is possible and we should still stand together and work towards this common goal.

Thank you

Bryce Pace

Autism Advocate, Blogger, Speaker

PD Cancelled Flyer

Registrations close Tonight!

Join educators, Parents, Scout leaders and youth workers from across South West Victoria at Brauer College in Warrnambool to discover new ways to better include autistic students in group activities. The day will feature talks from students, parents, teachers, and professionals in the field of autism. There will also be a unique opportunity to converse with a student panel featuring young people from across the South West region and discover their perspective on classroom interaction as they have experienced it. Registrations close Tonight at 11:59pm so be quick and we look forward to seeing you there. For more information and to register head to: www.brycepaceautismadvocate.com/events and this morning does provide three hours of PD with a certificate being sent out within a week of the event. you must register before time runs out to attend this event.new PD Flyer

1 Day Left

There is only one day left to buy tickets for Awetism Classroom! get your tickets today by heading to https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/awetism-classroom-tickets-41930259535?aff=es2 new PD Flyer

Thank You YDAS!

would like to take this opportunity to thank YDAS for supporting the Awetism Classroom Professional Development Day. Without their support, this unique event would not be possible. There are only 9 days left to register so be sure to reserve your spot before it's too late by heading to my website www.brycepaceautismadvocate.com/eventsydas-signature

10 Days Left!

Registration for Awetism Classroom Closes in 10 days! make sure you register your spot at this exciting and unique event today by heading to: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/awetism-classroom-tickets-41930259535?aff=es2 CSlEaUtUwAEj3Wg

Thanks National Disability coordination project

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the national Disability coordination project for supporting the Awetism Classroom Professional Development Day. Without their support, this unique event would not be possible. There are only 16 days left to register so be sure to reserve your spot before it's too late by heading to my website www.brycepaceautismadvocate.com/eventsNDCO - GreyS - LOGO

17 Days Left to Register

Registrations close in 17days! Be sure to reserve your spot before it’s too late by heading to www.brycepaceautismadvocate.com/eventsPD Flyer


Due to personal reasons one of the speakers has had to withdraw see below for more information. Are you a teacher looking for an interesting and unique event to fill you Professional Development for 2018? Then Awetism Classroom could be the event for you. Join fellow educators from across South West Victoria at Brauer College in Warrnambool to discover new ways to better include autistic students in classroom activities. The day will feature talks from students, parents, teachers, and professionals in the field of autism. There will also be a unique opportunity to converse with a student panel featuring young people from across the South West region and discover their perspective on classroom interaction as they have experienced it. for more information and to register visit: www.brycepaceautismadvocate.wordpress.com/eventsPD Flyer

Thank You Cheese World

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Cheese World for supporting the Awetism Classroom Professional Development Day. Without their support, this unique event would not be possible.CW LOGO

Awetism Classroom

Are you a teacher looking for an interesting and unique event to fill you Professional Development for 2018? Then Awetism Classroom could be the event for you. Join fellow educators from across South West Victoria at Brauer College in Warrnambool to discover new ways to better include autistic students in classroom activities. The day will feature talks from students, parents, teachers and professionals in the field of autism. There will also be a unique opportunity to converse with a student panel featuring young people from across the South West region and discover their perspective on classroom interaction as they have experienced it. for more information and to register visit: www.brycepaceautismadvocate.wordpress.com/events
